Monday, February 20, 2012


This little bird is a Bushtit. It is a size between a hummingbird and an American Goldfinch. They visit my backyard in small flocks and eat insects off of the Autumn Sage and Mallow plant.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tufted Titmouse

In addition to adding a hanging platform feeder to my son's property, I filled an existing suet holder with a no-melt, peanut variety, which attracted Downy Woodpeckers and Titmice. The Titmice were regulars at both the suet and platform feeder, and I was able to experience their friendliness. They almost always arrived in pairs and were quite vocal, often fussing at a squirrel who wanted to share in the 'feast.' The Titmice were perfectly happy to share food with Black Capped Chickadees and White Breasted Nuthatches, but not rodents.

Long Island Blue Jay

I was on Long Island to care for my son who had a tonsillectomy in late September. While I was there, during 'downtime,' I set up a hanging platform feeder in the yard (which is lush and surrounded by oaks, pines and red maples). This Blue Jay appeared the day before I flew back to California. I was amazed by the brightness and definition of his colors.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

California Thrasher

One very hot day last week, we were privileged to spot a California Thrasher foraging for insects in the backyard. I've seen these birds in the chapparal but this is a first so close to human environment.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

He's back.

Here is a bird that my youngest grandson would have enjoyed seeing. This Greater Roadrunner hung out in my backyard, today, while temperatures were in the triple digits. I saw him capture and eat a lizard, first, and later caught him drinking stagnant water out of a non-functioning water fountain.